Create User Interface for Student Data

BY IN IB Computer Science Comments Off on Create User Interface for Student Data , ,

Create a single database named: citahati Create a table named: student CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `senior` ( `id_senior` varchar(6) NOT NULL, `student_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `class` varchar(6) NOT NULL, `gender` varchar(1) NOT NULL, `parents_name` varchar(150) NOT NULL, `address` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `phone_number` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `notes` text NOT NULL, `academic_year` varchar(9) NOT NULL )



BY IN CS - Database Comments Off on CRUD – PHP + MySQL ,

For learning Option Database, we will try to learn to develop a Web Application. For this purpose, we will use PHP for side server script, JavaScript for client side script and MySQL for the database There are lots of PHP IDE, you can even use a notepad++ for the IDE or other software such as Dreamweaver,


Computer Science Training

BY IN News Comments Off on Computer Science Training , ,

MODULE II COMPUTER SCIENCE We also provide training for students of IB Computer Science. Some  students have complained that the subject Computer Science is quite difficult. It is certainly not true, because we think with practice of writing intensive program, will make students familiar in dealing syntax of programming language and form of algorithmic thinking that


Computer Training ITGS

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Since 2014, we opened Computer Training services to the public. With the rapid development of technology, especially in the world of education, the role of information technology is essential to equip young people for the challenges of globalization and increasingly competitive business world. The training that we conduct are: MODULE I ITGS (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN


Computer Training

BY IN News Comments Off on Computer Training , ,

Sejak tahun 2014, kami membuka jasa pelatihan Computer Traning untuk umum. Dengan semakin pesatnya perkembangan teknologi, khususnya di dunia pendidikan, peranan Teknologi Informasi sangatlah penting untuk membekali generasi muda dalam menghadapi tantangan globalisasi serta dunia bisnis yang semakin kompetitif. Adapun pelatihan yang kami adakan adalah: MODUL I ITGS (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN A GLOBAL SOCIETIES) Untuk


Linked List Assignment Feedback

BY IN IB Computer Science Comments Off on Linked List Assignment Feedback

Daniel: Insert Mid caused infinite loop Albert: Insert Mid caused run time error when trying to insert in invalid list order Bian: Program cannot run – Syntax Error Carissa: Program cannot run – Syntax Error ChinHeng: Output program is different with what expected, just write down from the example Clark: insert Mid caused run time


Contoh Linked List Sederhana dengan Pascal

BY IN IB Computer Science, Turbo Pascal Comments Off on Contoh Linked List Sederhana dengan Pascal ,

Uses crt; Type simpul = ^data; data = record bilangan : integer; next : simpul; end; var awal,akhir,baru,bantu : simpul; procedure sisip_depan; begin new(baru); write (‘Masukkan Bilangan : ‘); readln (baru^.bilangan); if awal=nil then begin baru^.next:=nil; awal:=baru; akhir:=baru; end else begin baru^.next:=awal; awal:=baru; end; end; procedure tampil; begin bantu:=awal; while (bantu<>nil) do begin writeln(bantu^.bilangan); bantu:=bantu^.next;


Computer Security Terminologies

BY IN IB Computer Science Comments Off on Computer Security Terminologies , , ,

APTs                                                      : [A]utomatically [P]rogrammed [T]ool, a computer language designed for prgramming numerically controlled tool Bots                                                       : The artificial intelligence that automatically do the task programmed Botnets                                                                : criminals distribute malicious software (also known as malware) that can turn your computer into a bot (also known as a zombie) BYOD                                                    : Bring


Extended Essay Comment

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PATRICK HANDOJO Patrick has finished his essay. He’s conducting a research on Virtual Reality focusing on Google Glass. He’s actually has chosen a good topic; however his essay mostly contains about general information about the topic, not the technical stuff as required in Computer Science EE. WIDHA WRESTINA Widha has finished her essay. There are