“Creating Quiz” using Python

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Creating Quiz using Python
Time: 2 weeks!!!

Create quiz and the result will be calculated based on the answer.
Reference: https://www.quotev.com, http://www.socialappbuilder.com
or you can make your own quiz, such as: “SEBERAPA CH-nya sih kamu?”
Question: Permainan yang kamu suka: a. Hide & Seek b. Flip the bottle c. Cat and Mouse, then (b) will have the highest score, since this game is popular nowadays in our school
Things that need to be prepared:
1. Quiz Themes, questions & answers (minimum 10 questions!!!)
2. The structure of your program, the usage of method/function. The more effective/efficient your program, the better mark you’ll get!!!
3. The formula to calculate the result. You may divide the result in several categories, such as <20, 20-40, >40 (give the explanation for each category)
4. The input will be answers from each questions, the output will be total score with the information
5. BE CREATIVE!!! Original quiz will achieve better mark! (You may create quiz in english or in Indonesia)

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