CitaHati Grade 11 Comic Project

BY IN CH - Grade 11 Comments Off on CitaHati Grade 11 Comic Project ,

11 IPS Group I: Lina, Michelle SK, Sally, James, Wilson Group II: Kelvin, Nathan, Ray, Kenny, Buton Group III: Tiffany, Kumala, Jessica, Shania, JT Group IV: Anas, Naftalie, Hau Hau, Willy, Matthew 11 IPA1 Group I: Indira, Nane, Cia, Brili Group II: Andrew, Ricky, Arlyn, Timo, Celo Group III: Angel, Selly, Darren, Dicky, Richard 11


CitaHati Work Updates

BY IN CH - Grade 10, CH - Grade 11, CH - Grade 12, CH - Meeting Comments Off on CitaHati Work Updates

Weekly Agenda of Teaching Grade 10, create sprite from, export it as PNG file and upload it to edmodo Grade 11, submission of comic’s project Grade 12, creating a review ebook using iBook Author Grade 11IB, submission of solution title for G4 Project, preparing the project Grade 12IB, developing IA, exercise for the exam


Database CRUD Project: Small Retail Book Shop

BY IN CS - Database, IB Computer Science Comments Off on Database CRUD Project: Small Retail Book Shop , ,

Create simple database project for small retail book shop You need to create the following tables: 1. Customer id_customer, customer_name, address, phone, city 2. Sales id_sales, id_customer, transaction_date, book_name, qty, total Create CRUD function for customers, using your own interface, add at least 5 records into customer table Create an interface for sales, customer need


Solution Title of Internal Assessment of Computer Science

BY IN IB Computer Science Comments Off on Solution Title of Internal Assessment of Computer Science , ,

Here’s the list of my student’s Internal Assessment. So proud to see that they finally produce a computer’s software with their own skill William Martin: Game: Day of The Legend (RPG Maker) William Widjono: Inventory System for Oil Company (Web based – PHP+MySQL) Emmanuela Michelle: ATLAS Database Tracking System (Web based – PHP+MySQL) Reinaldo Kurnia:


Create User Interface for Student Data

BY IN IB Computer Science Comments Off on Create User Interface for Student Data , ,

Create a single database named: citahati Create a table named: student CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `senior` ( `id_senior` varchar(6) NOT NULL, `student_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `class` varchar(6) NOT NULL, `gender` varchar(1) NOT NULL, `parents_name` varchar(150) NOT NULL, `address` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `phone_number` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `notes` text NOT NULL, `academic_year` varchar(9) NOT NULL )


Tugas Membuat Games Sederhana dengan Flash

BY IN CH - Grade 10 Comments Off on Tugas Membuat Games Sederhana dengan Flash ,

Tugas Flash grade 10 1. Sebutkan jenis2 game Flash yang Anda ketahui! 2. Search di Internet, copykan link minimal 3 contoh2 games Flash yang menurut Anda menarik! Jelaskan alasannya dari sudut pandang Anda mengapa games itu menarik! 3. Jelaskan istilah2 dibawah ini: Arcade Sprite Collision Dynamic Text Button Game Board Score Keyframe/Blank Keyframe Movie Clip


Tugas eBook

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Tugas eBook Grade 12 1. Apa yang Anda ketahui tentang eBook? 2. Sebutkan kelebihan dan kekurangan eBook dibandingkan dengan buku biasa! 3. Search di Internet, tunjukkan contoh2 eBook yang berkualitas menurut pandangan Anda dan jelaskan alasannya! 4. Carilah contoh program eBook creator online yang ada di Internet! 5. Apa yang Anda ketahui tentang program iBook Author?



BY IN CS - Database Comments Off on CRUD – PHP + MySQL ,

For learning Option Database, we will try to learn to develop a Web Application. For this purpose, we will use PHP for side server script, JavaScript for client side script and MySQL for the database There are lots of PHP IDE, you can even use a notepad++ for the IDE or other software such as Dreamweaver,


Comic Project – Grade 11

BY IN CH - Grade 11 Comments Off on Comic Project – Grade 11 ,

TUGAS MEMBUAT KOMIK Untuk Semester ini, siswa2 grade 11 akan membuat komik dengan alur cerita yang mereka buat sendiri. Project akan dikerjakan per kelompok dan bentuk kegiatannya adalah sebagai berikut: PERSIAPAN: Membagi satu kelas ke dalam kelompok2 Menentukan tugas masing2 anggota dalam kelompok KEGIATAN INTI: Menyusun skenario cerita yang dituliskan dan dikumpulkan per kelompok Mengatur