Final Project Flash Games

BY IN CH - Grade 10 Comments Off on Final Project Flash Games ,

Create an Action Script 2.0 Game Options: * Quiz Game : Many Questions stored, randomly chosen * Arcade Game : Snake, PacMan (modify the script from the internet) * RPG Text Base : Story needs to be created Sprite redesigned using or other online/offline tool Timeline: 4x Session – Submit Your Project before the


Farewell 12IB1

BY IN CH - Grade 12 Comments Off on Farewell 12IB1

I always feel honored to become 12IB1 PC Teacher. Even though I’ve spent with these wonderful students for two periods, still it’s not enough to know them personally. We have cheerful Aileen, that always become the energy’s source of the class. Albert, Alvin and Nathan who are mostly quiet 🙂 Tiffy with her great performance


Mock Exam Sample

BY IN CS - Exam Comments Off on Mock Exam Sample , ,

A. State one example of a peripheral that might be attached to a personal computer (PC), but not always. Outline 2 significant purposes of a network. Describe one advantage of using a PC in stand-alone mode, not attached to a network. Outline what the term human resources means in a computer system. Explain why computer


Computer Science Social Engineering

BY IN CS - Computer Security Comments Off on Computer Science Social Engineering , ,

COMPUTER SECURITY ASSIGNMENT! Construct a program that will be displaying some messages in your friend’s computer. Please note that please conduct a research first before put your plan to your task list, to make sure that it is doable or not. The Task List could be as follows: * The tool/ software used: Visual Basic.


Mengubah Warna Shape di Power Point

BY IN Tips & Trik Comments Off on Mengubah Warna Shape di Power Point

Berikut ini adalah script untuk mengubah warna shape dalam slide powerpoint dengan menggunakan VBA Macro Sub adjust() Dim oSh As Shape Dim oSl As Slide ‘ Look at each slide in the current presentation: For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides ‘ Look at each shape on each slide: For Each oSh In oSl.Shapes oSh.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0,


Memindah object rata bawah di seluruh slides

BY IN Tips & Trik Comments Off on Memindah object rata bawah di seluruh slides

Hal ini saya temukan saat mengedit subtitle untuk drama colossal Edelweiss Messenger dengan menggunakan Power Point. Semua subtitle pada awalnya berada di tengah slide, namun karena sesuatu alasan, teksnya diminta untuk digeser ke bawah. Saat browsing di internet, saya tidak menemukan cara yang cocok untuk menggeser object langsung automatic seluruh slides (total slidenya ada 300


Blender (Part 2)

BY IN 3D Model Comments Off on Blender (Part 2) ,

Istilah Render ini kita gunakan apabila kita ingin menampilkan hasil akhir dari object kita. Sebagai persiapan render, kita akan mengatur sudut pandang kamera terlebih dahulu. Untuk melihat object dari sudut pandang kamera, dapat kita lakukan dengan memilih menu View Camera, atau dengan menekan NumPad 0. Kemudian aktifkan window properties dengan shortcut N, lalu pastikan kita


Blender (Part 1)

BY IN 3D Model Comments Off on Blender (Part 1) ,

Saat saya mencoba untuk belajar membuat 3D Model, saya berusaha untuk mencari tool/ software yang tepat untuk kebutuhan ini. Setelah melakukan riset terhadap beberapa tools, akhirnya pilihan saya jatuh pada software Blender, dengan beberapa alasan yaitu: * FREE!!! Yes! Ini adalah alasan utama kenapa saya memilih Blender. Kita bisa download langsung installernya dari situs resminya


Grade 12 Semester 2 2016

BY IN CH - Grade 12 Comments Off on Grade 12 Semester 2 2016

Agenda TI Grade 12 National Semester 2 2016!!! * Try Out Ujian Nasional dari 3 sumber: Cita Hati (PBT), Primagama (CBT), MKKS (CBT) * School Exam, TIK – Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Kisi-kisi USEK: ICT – Pengenalan Komputer berbasis Mac/ Apple Video Production (Teori) * Practical Exam, untuk tahun ini TI berdiri sendiri, tidak integrated


Latihan Dasar Visual Basic

BY IN Visual Basic Comments Off on Latihan Dasar Visual Basic ,

Buatlah sebuah program yang bisa menghitung gaji karyawan Contoh Interfacenya: PERHITUNGAN GAJI KARYAWAN PT. ABC Periode : ____________ (combo box) Januari 2016 – Maret 2016 Nama Karyawan : _____________ (textbox) Jabatan : ______________ (combo box) -> isi dari code editor onChange Gaji Pokok : ______________ (terisi otomatis sesuai dengan pilihan Jabatan) (Manager 4 juta, Supervisor


System Flowchart and Program Flowchart

BY IN CS - Internal Assessment Comments Off on System Flowchart and Program Flowchart , , ,

What is the difference between a program flowchart and a system flowchart? A program flowchart details the flow through a single program. Each box in the flowchart will represent a single instruction or a process within the program. A system flowchart will show the flow through a system. Each box will represent a program or


Grade 11 Assessment Semester I 2015-2016

BY IN CH - Grade 11 Comments Off on Grade 11 Assessment Semester I 2015-2016 , , , ,

Drama AV 11IPA Konsep sudah OK, bisa memasukkan unsur AV dengan sangat baik sehingga menimbulkan kesan immersive kepada penonton, sayangnya masih terlalu sering blank di sepanjang drama. Total Score: 93 Drama AV 11IPS Penggunaan AV masih kurang, untungnya masih ada gambar background yang didisplay dimasing2 babak, walaupun demikian kesan immersive kurang terasa. Total Score: 85


Grade 11: Quartz Composer Assignment

BY IN CH - Grade 11 Comments Off on Grade 11: Quartz Composer Assignment , , ,

TI Animation Quartz Composer Assignment =================================== Create a nice composition with the following criteria: – Your composition should contain themes, such as Christmas, Halloween, valentine etc. Therefore, the image, the text or the color should reflect to the themes. example. Christmas: red/green, Halloween: jack o lantern/black/witch, valentine: pink/chocolate – Minimum have three animated object. example.


Computer Science: IA Criterion C

BY IN CS - Internal Assessment Comments Off on Computer Science: IA Criterion C , , , , ,

Items that need to be submitted: =============================== – a ZIP/RAR file contains your product (running application and source code) – a DOC file contains Criterion C The Assessment Criteria: ======================== The progress level of each items. You’ll get full mark only if these items are considered done. However, if no one has finished it, the


Grade 12: Music Video Project Progress…

BY IN CH - Grade 12 Comments Off on Grade 12: Music Video Project Progress… , ,

Grade 12 IPA 1 Music: “Siapkah Kau ‘tuk Jatuh Cinta Lagi?” – HiVi Setting: Taman Harmony / Angel’s Garden Role of the students: Director: Felicia Goetomo Assistant Director: Nataliane Jhuangger Editor: Timothy Artist: Angeline Beauty (Main Vocal) Pieter Richardo Jawono (Main Vocal) Andrew Cahyadi (Ex-B) Indira Huvi (Ex-G) Darren (Bike Rental) Ricky (Street Performer –