Criterion A: Planning (Patrick)

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The focus of the game is having fun by shooting zombies. Each zombie killed gets the player points so they can compare their score at the leaderboards.

Using the top down gameplay method, we can keep the game simple but entertaining.
Zombies will spawn randomly each round, beginning rounds will have slow zombies that speeds up as the player clears more rounds. The number of zombies that is required to be killed before the player can go to another round also increases.

At the end of each round the player can have bonus points before going to the next stage area.

The zombies will be killed by the player with 3 bullets, but the zombie can kill the player in 1 hit. The player has 3 lives with 3 resupply able bombs that kill every zombie on the screen.

Pathing of the zombie makes the zombie chase the player using the shortest route available.

Map design can change every round, with the player given a blind choice for two different map.

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