Database CRUD Project: Small Retail Book Shop

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Create simple database project for small retail book shop

You need to create the following tables:
1. Customer
id_customer, customer_name, address, phone, city
2. Sales
id_sales, id_customer, transaction_date, book_name, qty, total

Create CRUD function for customers, using your own interface, add at least 5 records into customer table

Create an interface for sales, customer need to be retrieved from customer table

Sales table can be displayed, updated and also removed

Create a menu page that can link to customer and sales

HL students:
Create a simple login gateway that will protect your pages. user can also logout from your system
Hint: learn about SESSION Management

– Submission of dataset (MySQL) and source code
– Presentation of the program, make sure all runs well
– Evaluate the program that you have developed (write down your discussion in at least 100 words)
Things that can be discussed:
is there any weakness from the design of the database? or your program?
if any, suggest a better solution to overcome the weakness

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