Computer Science: IA Criteria A obtaining highest mark

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The success criteria identified in criterion A will be used in criterion E to evaluate the effectiveness of the product.

In the assessment criteria, it is stated for the highest mark:

An appropriate scenario for investigation for an identified client, providing evidence of consultation, is described. The rationale for choosing the proposed product is justified and includes a range of appropriate criteria for evaluating the success of the product.

This means, to achieve highest mark in the criteria A, students need to DESCRIBE the scenario of investigation with the REAL client. This needs to be STATED in this criteria as this will considered as an EVIDENCE. Thus, students need to create a rationale of the proposed product. When writing this rationale, students need to make a JUSTIFICATION of his/her rationale. Creating justification means that he/she needs to see the product from positive and negative sides. Students should be able to EXPLAIN both benefit and drawback from the product that he/she is going to develop and at the end JUSTIFY it why the proposed product is still suitable for the client. Then, continue with the criteria for success from the justification that made and it should be EVALUATED later on in criteria E.

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