Grade 11 Assessment Semester I 2015-2016

BY IN CH - Grade 11 Comments Off on Grade 11 Assessment Semester I 2015-2016 , , , ,

Drama AV 11IPA Konsep sudah OK, bisa memasukkan unsur AV dengan sangat baik sehingga menimbulkan kesan immersive kepada penonton, sayangnya masih terlalu sering blank di sepanjang drama. Total Score: 93 Drama AV 11IPS Penggunaan AV masih kurang, untungnya masih ada gambar background yang didisplay dimasing2 babak, walaupun demikian kesan immersive kurang terasa. Total Score: 85


Grade 11: Quartz Composer Assignment

BY IN CH - Grade 11 Comments Off on Grade 11: Quartz Composer Assignment , , ,

TI Animation Quartz Composer Assignment =================================== Create a nice composition with the following criteria: – Your composition should contain themes, such as Christmas, Halloween, valentine etc. Therefore, the image, the text or the color should reflect to the themes. example. Christmas: red/green, Halloween: jack o lantern/black/witch, valentine: pink/chocolate – Minimum have three animated object. example.


Computer Science: IA Criterion C

BY IN CS - Internal Assessment Comments Off on Computer Science: IA Criterion C , , , , ,

Items that need to be submitted: =============================== – a ZIP/RAR file contains your product (running application and source code) – a DOC file contains Criterion C The Assessment Criteria: ======================== The progress level of each items. You’ll get full mark only if these items are considered done. However, if no one has finished it, the


Project Evaluation for Drama Performance (BI+TI)

BY IN CH - Grade 11 Comments Off on Project Evaluation for Drama Performance (BI+TI) , ,

Evaluasi dari Integrated Project BI dan TI! ============================= 1. Jelaskan dengan detail role / perananmu di dalam project ini! 2. Jelaskan menurut pendapatmu sendiri, kelebihan dan kekurangan Integrated Project yang melibatkan seluruh anggota kelas, berdasarkan pengalaman yang sudah kalian alami di dalam project ini! 3. Jelaskan kendala-kendala yang kau hadapi dari fase persiapan sampai performance!




1st week: Penentuan tema/genre, Pembuatan sinopsis cerita (Dikumpulkan) 2nd week: Pembuatan script/naskah dialog (Dikumpulkan) 3rd week: Shooting Phase 4th week: Shooting Phase 5th week: Shooting Phase 6th week: Editing Phase 7th week: SUBMISSION

GreenScreen Live News Project

BY IN CH - Grade 11 Comments Off on GreenScreen Live News Project ,

Siswa berpasang2an memanfaatkan GreenScreen untuk menjadi pembawa berita tentang live news dan berkomunikasi dengan partnernya yang ada di “lapangan” Berita yang bisa dibawakan: – Prakiraan Cuaca di beberapa tempat – Laporan Banjir dan bencana alam lainnya – Dari dunia selebritis, misalnya wawancara langsung dengan artis dll. Waktu pengerjaan: 2 minggu Minggu I: merancang konsep clip yang


Contoh Naskah Drama

BY IN CH - Grade 12 Comments Off on Contoh Naskah Drama ,

Berikut adalah contoh naskah drama untuk class project grade 11 PENGAKUAN TERLARANG PEMAIN: ratu, menteri,orang tua, istri orang tua,hakim, anak perempuan, dosen, dan manusia bayangan. Suasana panggung menggambarkan kegelapan di malam hari. Di tengah panggung terdapat tiang bendera, meja kecil dan kursi-kursi, sekeliling panggung dipenuhi tempelan-tempelan topeng kertas. Babak I Musik pengantar; Manusia Bayangan (MB)


Contoh Sinopsis

BY IN CH - Grade 12 Comments Off on Contoh Sinopsis ,

Synopsis “APA SALAH KAMI” Clara adalah seorang wanita karier yang sukses mengelola bisnis keluarganya. ia adalah seorang pekerja keras, kuat, dan tangguh. Ia juga adalah seorang wanita yang ulet, terbukti dari kemampuannya mengelola keuangan perusahaan untuk memperjuangkan nasib dari para buruh perusahaannya. Tapi, ketangguhannya diuji. Di saat Indonesia terkena dampak krisis ekonomi global yang berdampak



BY IN CH - Meeting Comments Off on Kuesioner ,

Christian School * As far as I know, Christian values has implemented in teaching process. Student’s devotion has also run well throughout the academic year, which is good. PC teachers * The role of PC Teachers is really important for building a better communication between schools and parents. Reacter teachers also support christian sharing articles


Cita Hati – Raker Part 1

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TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION Evaluation 2014-2015 =============== * Some of time portions occupied with Report Card Development due to curriculum changing * TI Implementation was not full working. The plan was actually prepared on the RAKER, but for some reasons it cannot be implemented during the semesters Some teachers tend to assign the movie projects without informing to TI


Computer Science: DFD (Data Flow Diagram)

BY IN CS - Database, IB Computer Science Comments Off on Computer Science: DFD (Data Flow Diagram) , , ,

A-BEAUTY SPA Corp is a Mobile Spa Company based in Surabaya. It just opened its operation and want to develop a system. Customers can do a reservation to have a service and its staff/therapist will come to customer’s place to do the service. The company has more than 20 therapist and they earned a monthly


Cita Hati Report Information System

BY IN CH - RICH Comments Off on Cita Hati Report Information System , ,

In this academic year, we’ve been struggling with the system because of the curriculum of the government. The system has established since 2013 and it appears then, the system need to be modified because in 2014, school has decided to use K-13 instead of KTSP. The modification consumed lots of time since the subjects has