GreenScreen Live News Project

BY IN CH - Grade 11 Comments Off on GreenScreen Live News Project ,

Siswa berpasang2an memanfaatkan GreenScreen untuk menjadi pembawa berita tentang live news dan berkomunikasi dengan partnernya yang ada di “lapangan” Berita yang bisa dibawakan: – Prakiraan Cuaca di beberapa tempat – Laporan Banjir dan bencana alam lainnya – Dari dunia selebritis, misalnya wawancara langsung dengan artis dll. Waktu pengerjaan: 2 minggu Minggu I: merancang konsep clip yang


Contoh Naskah Drama

BY IN CH - Grade 12 Comments Off on Contoh Naskah Drama ,

Berikut adalah contoh naskah drama untuk class project grade 11 PENGAKUAN TERLARANG PEMAIN: ratu, menteri,orang tua, istri orang tua,hakim, anak perempuan, dosen, dan manusia bayangan. Suasana panggung menggambarkan kegelapan di malam hari. Di tengah panggung terdapat tiang bendera, meja kecil dan kursi-kursi, sekeliling panggung dipenuhi tempelan-tempelan topeng kertas. Babak I Musik pengantar; Manusia Bayangan (MB)


Contoh Sinopsis

BY IN CH - Grade 12 Comments Off on Contoh Sinopsis ,

Synopsis “APA SALAH KAMI” Clara adalah seorang wanita karier yang sukses mengelola bisnis keluarganya. ia adalah seorang pekerja keras, kuat, dan tangguh. Ia juga adalah seorang wanita yang ulet, terbukti dari kemampuannya mengelola keuangan perusahaan untuk memperjuangkan nasib dari para buruh perusahaannya. Tapi, ketangguhannya diuji. Di saat Indonesia terkena dampak krisis ekonomi global yang berdampak


Short Movie Project Grade 12IPA1 2015-2016

BY IN CH - Grade 12 Comments Off on Short Movie Project Grade 12IPA1 2015-2016 ,

TODAY MENU!!! SHORT MOVIE PROJECT GRADE 12IPA1 Pembagian Kelompok Dikumpulkan nama anggotanya beserta role dari masing2 anggota, misal: Penulis Naskah Director Editor Cameramen dsb. Menentukan Tema/Genre Membuat Skenario/Sinopsis Penokohan Menentukan Setting/Latar Mengompilasi Background Musik ataupun efek suara yang akan digunakan Menentukan software/tool editor Membuat Script Dialog …dikumpulkan!!! via e-mail.

SUDAH TERBIT! Buku Perdana: Membuat Sistem Monitoring Pelanggaran Siswa Berbasis Web dan Android

BY IN Karya Buku Comments Off on SUDAH TERBIT! Buku Perdana: Membuat Sistem Monitoring Pelanggaran Siswa Berbasis Web dan Android ,

Setelah cukup panjang perjalanan menulis sebuah buku, akhirnya obsesi untuk menerbitkan buku tercapai juga. Terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada teman2 redaksi Lokomedia yang bersedia menerbitkan tulisan saya dan semoga dapat diterima di kalangan pembaca khususnya di bidang pendidikan. Sistem yang dikupas di dalam buku ini sebenarnya sampai saat ini pun masih berjalan dan diberlakukan


Computer Science: MySQL Query Example

BY IN CS - Database, IB Computer Science Comments Off on Computer Science: MySQL Query Example , ,

Get all employee details from the employee table Get First_Name,Last_Name from employee table Get First_Name from employee table using alias name “Employee Name” Get First_Name from employee table in upper case Get First_Name from employee table in lower case Get unique DEPARTMENT from employee table Select first 3 characters of FIRST_NAME from EMPLOYEE Get position


Computer Science: DFD (Data Flow Diagram)

BY IN CS - Database, IB Computer Science Comments Off on Computer Science: DFD (Data Flow Diagram) , , ,

A-BEAUTY SPA Corp is a Mobile Spa Company based in Surabaya. It just opened its operation and want to develop a system. Customers can do a reservation to have a service and its staff/therapist will come to customer’s place to do the service. The company has more than 20 therapist and they earned a monthly


Grade 11: Quartz Composer Assignment

BY IN CH - Grade 11 Comments Off on Grade 11: Quartz Composer Assignment , ,

Quartz Composer Assignment I Create a screen saver with the following criteria: – Have an image as a background – Have minimum three texts/strings that animated across the screen (could be moving, rotate or grow/shrink), one of the text will be your full-name – Have a rotate 3D object that contains of your own image or


Computer Science IA Review: Photography Rating System

BY IN CS - Internal Assessment, IB Computer Science Comments Off on Computer Science IA Review: Photography Rating System , ,

Criteria A Revise this statement: notepad++ provides a simple connection to the database server. I don’t see any connection between the freeware notepad++ with its ability to connect to the database. In fact, notepad++ is only a text editor that has a built in feature for highlighting some parts of coding. This paragraph is so biased: XAMPP


Computer Science Database Project

BY IN CS - Database, IB Computer Science Comments Off on Computer Science Database Project , ,

A small restaurant called “PaPa Burger” needs to hire programmer to build the system for the restaurant. They need to record all the transaction everyday. The Cash Receipt will be given to their customer with the following layout ************************************ “PaPa Burger Restaurant” Inv No: _______________ Inv Date: ______________ 2pcs Small Burger $4.90 … $9.80 2pcs


Computer Science IA Review: Your Organizational Program

BY IN CS - Internal Assessment Comments Off on Computer Science IA Review: Your Organizational Program , ,

Criteria A Your statement: Yunita’s operating system is Windows XP, so the program would be developed using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 – is not relevant. … and it should be able to fade away – why? The criteria for success seems okay. Criteria B The Record of Task seems realistic. The table structure for the database


Computer Science IA Review: Atlas Database Management System

BY IN CS - Internal Assessment Comments Off on Computer Science IA Review: Atlas Database Management System , ,

Criterion A Suggestion: change the term ‘bill’ become ‘invoice’, remove phpMyAdmin in this section, since phpMyAdmin is only an open source tool for user to maintain their database, it’s not relevant with your product. Also, your reason for choosing PHP as a tool for developing your product is not acceptable. You use the term ‘search


Computer Science IA Review: RPG The Promenade

BY IN CS - Internal Assessment Comments Off on Computer Science IA Review: RPG The Promenade , ,

We are having problems in the beginning to compile the cover page since the student has compiled all the documentation in Mac, while he was developing the game in Windows. The basic knowledge of HTML is required, so the students will face no difficulties in arranging the cover page. Criterion A In this criteria, I


CitaHati Grade 11 Comic Project

BY IN CH - Grade 11 Comments Off on CitaHati Grade 11 Comic Project ,

11 IPS Group I: Lina, Michelle SK, Sally, James, Wilson Group II: Kelvin, Nathan, Ray, Kenny, Buton Group III: Tiffany, Kumala, Jessica, Shania, JT Group IV: Anas, Naftalie, Hau Hau, Willy, Matthew 11 IPA1 Group I: Indira, Nane, Cia, Brili Group II: Andrew, Ricky, Arlyn, Timo, Celo Group III: Angel, Selly, Darren, Dicky, Richard 11


Agent Interface: Lucky Chance Game

BY IN Hotel Reservation System Comments Off on Agent Interface: Lucky Chance Game , , ,

Sekarang kita akan membuat contoh permainan sederhana yang biasanya dikenal dengan nama Game Grid. Konsepnya adalah membagi satu image besar ke dalam grid, dimana masing2 grid nantinya mempunyai nilai yang kita simpan ke dalam database. Saat game diload, akan ada proses untuk memasukkan nilai2 ini ke dalam variabel array. apabila user mengkilk satu area grid,


Agent Interface: Leaderboard

BY IN Hotel Reservation System Comments Off on Agent Interface: Leaderboard , , ,

Masih berkaitan dengan Incentive Program, bookers akan dapat memantau points yang dikumpulkannya lewat menu Leaderboard, dimana di dalam menu ini akan ditampilkan urutan bookers dari bookers dengan akumulasi booking terbanyak. Jika belum melakukan booking, maka akan ditampilkan notifikasi Bookingan tidak ditemukan, sebagai berikut:

Hotel Features: Bonus Night

BY IN Hotel Reservation System Comments Off on Hotel Features: Bonus Night , , ,

Mandira menyediakan fitur Bonus Night a.k.a. Stay Pay agar hotel dapat memanfaatkan fitur ini untuk memaksimalkan room productionnya. Simply, pilih paket yang ditawarkan, lalu masukkan Booking Period dan Traveling Period serta tipe kamar yang ditawarkan. Setelah diset, maka di interface agent akan otomatis muncul Bonus Night.